
Executive Corner


Pathways features online learning, cutting-edge content, interactive tools, strong mentoring, and evaluation components, and a multitude of options. Exciting learning paths include Motivational Strategies, Presentation Mastery, and Effective Coaching. In Pathways, members can learn nearly 300 competencies—practical skills that are transferable to the world outside Toastmasters.

Leadership Tool Kit

The leadership tool kit enables leaders, at all levels, easy access to various resources needed to get their jobs done efficiently and effectively.

Club and District Officer Tools

Club Officer Tools

District Officer Tools

Leadership Articles

This column will provide leadership advice and inspiration to help you become a more successful Toastmaster leader because every good leader knows that leadership is a skill that needs to be developed and nurtured.

New Toastmaster Year, New You, New Goals

By Marcia Hudgens, DTM, PDDG | May 2024July

We had an outstanding 2023-24 year; and we are ready to have a red-hot, golden new 2024-25 Toastmaster year. Our Toastmasters clubs provide a familiar, honest, and safe environment to invest in your skills and goals. Let’s once again, reflect and build an ROI for you in Toastmasters. I offer the following steps to take:

  1. Make a goal for the year. It may be to get out of your comfort place, for example, speak at other clubs to get a new perspective, serve on a club committee, compete in annual club contests, or start your path to Distinguished Toastmaster.  Write it down!
  2. Write what steps you may need to take action to achieve this goal.
  3. Discuss your goal with your Club President, V.P. Education, and V.P. Membership to confirm the steps required.  They will add your goal(s) to their Club Success Plan. Your success leads to your club’s success. You are a beacon to your club.
  4. Keep your work manager involved. Sign off your accomplishments so that your manager knows. If your company pays your dues, you show accomplishments in Toastmasters

Have more goal(s)? Simply rinse and repeat.  Cheers to you!  

Promise Keepers

By Rose Williams, DTM, PDD | May 2024

A promise can give hope.  It is a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified.  Making a promise is serious, and breaking a promise can be detrimental.  In short, promises should not be taken slightly or made hastily.  You may have heard the phrase “your word is your bond,” which I interpret to mean you will always keep your promise. 

Mand and woman shaking hands behind a table-top lectern

Maximizing Success: Strategies for the Last 90 Days of Toastmasters’ Term

By Angela Tornes, DTM, 2015-2016 D43 Director | April 2024

Approaching the final stretch of any endeavor, including the end of a Toastmasters term, June 30, 2024, can be exciting and an opportunity to finish strong.  As Toastmasters leaders the last 90 days present a critical opportunity to solidify your achievements and leave a lasting impact.  Let’s explore some strategies to maximize success during this vital period and ensure a Distinguished finish.

What’s Outside of Your Comfort Zone?

By Andrea Tantillo, DTM, PRM | March 2024

If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it 100 times – get out of your comfort zone! Why in the world would I want to do that? I’m comfortable there. 

I’m safe in my comfort zone. I have my routine, and I know where everything is and what’s going to happen. Why would I ever want to leave that place?

Where Are You?

By Martha Elias, DTM | February 2024

Have you accomplished what you set out to accomplish so far this Toastmasters year? If you are a fairly new toastmaster, did you complete at least one Level in Pathways? Or, as a seasoned member did you lay the groundwork to achieving your Distinguished Toastmaster award? Having clearly established goals aids tremendously in the process of achieving those goals.  Do not forget to have “SMART” goals.  Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Serve from the Overflow

By Sheryle H. Warren, DTM, PDDD | December 2023

Diane, a two-time District Director (DD), showed up to mid-year training with her Dynamic Duo, her Program Quality Director (PQD), and her Club Growth Director (CGD) in tow.  Diane and her team took their Mid-Year prework assignments seriously, completing every single one before mid-year training. 

Mastering the Art of Listening

By Andrea Tantillo, DTM, PRM | November 2023

In a culture that focuses on speaking, it’s easy to forget the important role listening plays in good communication and effective leadership. The ability to listen attentively is an essential leadership and communication skill that is tied to our personal growth and is cultivated in Toastmasters.

Group of happy people at a table

A Little Advice, Support Goes a Long Way

By Kathy Kest, DTM, PDD | August 2023

Taking the first step in Toastmasters can be easier with support.  Check this article out for the details.
Woman at a lectern in front of a table with men and women.

Club Officer Monthly Checklist

The club officer checklist, available in English and Spanish, shows monthly duties, responsibilities, and activities by role. Officers should refer to the Club Leadership Handbook for more details.



Trained club officers result in more satisfied members, more exciting club meetings, more new members, more Distinguished Clubs and more Distinguished Districts.



Well-trained Area and Division Directors lead to successful teams, enhanced club quality, quality speech contest, distinguished clubs, and more.



Providing training to our Club Sponsors, Mentors and Coaches ensures they have the knowledge and resources necessary to be successful.


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