
club officer training

Club Officer Training

The success of a club and its members depend on how well club officers execute their responsibilities.  Knowing what to do and how to do it is paramount to every leader’s success.  

By providing leadership and support, club officers foster a positive environment that’s conducive to members’ personal and professional growth, allowing them to achieve their personal Toastmasters education goals.  To help prepare you for your role, District 56 offers training twice annually. 

  • Round 1:  Between June 1 and August 31
  • Round 2:  Between November 1 and February 28

These two sessions help you learn about your officer role, as well as the best practices to better serve your club. This is a perfect educational opportunity for Toastmasters’ Club Officers as well as all members to come together to network, share ideas, and be inspired. It’s where club officers receive training on how to best serve their clubs, and every Toastmaster can expand their skills as a communicator and a leader with additional educational sessions.

Clubs with officers attending training receive credit toward the training goal in the Distinguished Club Program.  In order for clubs to receive credit, the district’s Program Quality Director must record the training information online in District Central under the Club Officer Training Report.

The training information must be recorded online by:

  • September 30:  for June through August training period (changes accepted until October 31).
  • March 31:  for November through February training period (changes accepted until May 31).

Whether you’re new to the role or have served in the position before, you’re bound to learn something new at the sessions as well as meet other Toastmasters serving in the same role.  Attending a session during each training period will also help your club achieve a Distinguished Club Program goal.

Get Ready to Learn

For the best Club Officer Training experience, please take a few minutes to prepare.   We recommend you:

Benefits of Attending Online Club Officer Training

  • Gain confidence in your role and being part of a leadership team
  • Hear new ideas and offer your ideas to others
  • Take away tools and resources to be successful in your role 
  • Help meet your club’s Distinguished Club Program goals through valuable, required officer training
  • Make a quick commute in your own home and be finished by lunch or dinner!

Club Officer Training counts towards Distinguished Club Program goal #9.  To meet this goal, a minimum of (4) four officers from your club must be trained in both Round 1 and Round 2.

Club Officer Training is open to all members interested in learning more about Toastmasters Club Leadership opportunities.

Club Officer Training Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are there any Club Officer tutorials I can watch to learn my role?

Yes.  Toastmasters International has created Club Officer tutorials to help club officers fulfill their duties and achieve success.  These tutorials are only compatible with PC and MAC desktops.

Is there a leadership manual and other resources for club officers?

Yes.  Visit our Club Tool Kit resource folder for various club tools, including a direct link to Club Leadership Handbook.

What are the benefits of attending club officer training?

Benefits include, but are not limited to: gaining confidence in your role and being part of a leadership team; hearing new ideas and offering your ideas to others; taking away tools and resources to be successful in your role; and helping your club achieve goal # 9 of the Distinguished Club Program.

If I serve in multiple officer roles, do I need to attend training for each role?

No.  If you attend training for one role, you will receive credit for all other roles.  We would encourage you to attend training for all your officer roles if time permits; however, it is not a requirement to do so.

If I hold the same officer role in multiple clubs, can I get credit for each club?

Yes.  When you attend training for a role, you will receive credit for that role and any other role in every club in which you are officially listed as a club officer.

Can I get credit for attending training if I'm one of the facilitators?

Yes. Facilitators receive credit for attending training.  This is a perfect leadership opportunity and a way to give back.

What do I need to do to ensure I receive credit for attending club officer training?

To ensure you receive credit, register using your name as listed in your Toastmaster profile (no nicknames, unrecorded name changes, etc.).   We will also pull a Zoom report that records the length of time you were in the meeting.

If I am not a club officer, can I attend for one of my club officers who is unable to attend and will they receive credit?

No. To receive credit, the officer listed with Toastmasters International must attend training for that role.

Can I attend training in a different district and receive credit?

Yes.  You can attend training in any district across the world!  To ensure you receive credit, it is your responsibility to communicate with the visiting district and follow their rules to receive credit.  Let them know you are from District 56 and request them to send an email to [email protected] verifying your attendance. 

If I attended training between June and August, do I need to attend training again between November and February?

Yes.  Experienced officers are an important part of the club officer training discussion.  Attending Training allows you to share your experience and best practices with new officers. Club officers must attend training twice a year to receive important updates from the district and Toastmasters International.  A minimum of four club officers must be trained during each of the two training periods in order to earn goal # 9 of the Distinguished Club Program.

Do I have to be a club officer to attend training?

No. All Toastmasters are welcomed to attend club officer training.

How do I verify I received credit for attending club officer training?

Login to Club Central, click on Distinguished Performance Report, and scroll down to goal #9 to verify the correct number of trained club officers is listed.

How long does it take for the club officer training credit to be posted?

Updating club officer training attendance is a manual 2-step process.  First, the registration chair validates who attended training and provides a report to the Program Quality Director (PQD).  Second, the PQD manually updates the training report with Toastmasters International.  Please allow up to two weeks after the training is held for the completion of this process. If the credit is still not reflected in the Distinguished Performance Report, email [email protected] with the name of the officer, the role, and the date of the training.

If my club’s Distinguished Club program doesn’t list the correct number of officers trained, how do I get it corrected?

Email [email protected] with the name of the officers, the roles, and the dates of the training.

How can I verify my club’s current club officer list?

Login to Club Central and click on Club Officer Assignment.

Are there any club incentives for attending club officer training?

District incentives change each year.  Be sure to check the District Incentives webpage for qualifying incentives and requirements.

Is it necessary to attend Round 1 training before Round 2?

No, Round 1 training is not required to attend and receive credit for Round 2 training.  Whether you are a new club, a semiannual club with 6-month terms, stepping into a vacated position or curious member/visitor, all are welcomed.

Club Officer Training Materials

Club leaders are best served by consistent, professional training that supports the brand, enhances member experience, and helps them grow as leaders. The materials provided by Toastmasters International are the standard of quality and consistency that should make up the core of district-sponsored club officer training.  It teaches club officers the traits of a healthy team, how to identify behavioral styles and how to build trust.  

Visit Toastmasters International’s Club Officer Training Resource Library page to view club officer training materials. The Club Officer Training can be supported by additional Training Activities.  

Though not all topics must be covered in each round of club officer training, it will always include the Club Officer Role Breakouts.  The Training Club Leaders guide is used for planning and presenting Club Officer Training.

Online Leadership Electives

What’s in your tool box?  Do you have the tools you need to be a successful communicator or leader?

The District 56 Online Leadership Electives program offers you the tools you need to be a successful Toastmaster and club officer.

Whether you are a leader in your club, at your office, in your volunteer organization, or anywhere in your life, this program is right for you.

Visit the District Calendar to learn more about these FREE, optional, continuing education electives. 

Electives may include, but not limited to:

  • Creating Club Quality
  • Leading the Club to Success
  • Building a Healthy Team
  • Enhancing Evaluations
  • Building on Achievement for Continued Success
  • Intro to Pathways
  • Base Camp Manager
  • Plan for Success
  • Free Toast Host  and more

Sign up for as many electives as you’d like.  They are free.  They are optional.  They are designed just for you! 


district officer training

Well-trained Area and Division Directors lead to successful teams, enhanced club quality, quality speech contest, distinguished clubs, and more.



Pathways is Toastmasters self-paced online communication and leadership learning curriculum comprised of 11 paths and over 300 unique competencies.



Providing training to our Club Sponsors, Mentors and Coaches ensures they have the knowledge and resources necessary to be successful.

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