june, 2024

Event Details
Welcome Club Officers and Aspiring Club Leaders! Did you know a trained club officer can result in more satisfied members, exciting club meetings,
Event Details
Welcome Club Officers and Aspiring Club Leaders!
Did you know a trained club officer can result in more satisfied members, exciting club meetings, and new members?
The 2023-2024 Program Quality Training TEAM is excited to TEAM up with the incoming PQD 2024-2025 Training TEAM. We are working together to provide incoming and aspiring club leaders with convenient, quality club officer training that provides value to members.
- Open to all members!
- 100% Online
- Join us and learn leadership skills and more…
Register here
Club officers and aspiring leaders, before joining us for training, we are giving you the tools to begin the year with confidence and competence! The following items should be reviewed before attending Club Officer Training.
- Club Officer Tutorials
- Club Officer Roles
- Club Leadership Handbook
- Foundation of Knowledge (video)
- Moments of Truth
- Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan
6:30 PM | 6:35 PM | Main Room | Check In |
6:35 PM | 6:40 PM | Main Room | WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS |
6:40 PM | 7:25 PM | Main Room | Club Success Plan |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | Club President Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | VPE Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | VPM Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | VPPR Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | Treasurer Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | Secretary Training |
7:25 PM | 8:40 PM | Breakout Room | SAA Training |
8:40 PM | 8:45 PM | Main Room | Survey and Checkout for Credit |
Thank you for registering. We are looking forward to seeing you. -The PQD TRAINING TEAM!
Virtual Event Details
Event has already taken place!
(Thursday) 6:30 pm - 8:45 pm
Jocelyn V. Williams, DTM, 2024-2025 Program Quality Director-ElectHonored to serve as your Program Quality Director (PQD)! The Program Quality Team will leave no Toastmaster behind. Register now on the District calendar for our fun and exciting events and training in the 2024-2025 year.