District 56 recently updated the Pathways section of our website to include information about the Path to Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in Pathways.
Just visit navigate to the page and click on the Path to DTM tab.
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District 56 recently updated the Pathways section of our website to include information about the Path to Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in Pathways.
Just visit navigate to the page and click on the Path to DTM tab.
Clubs adding 5 new, dual, or reinstated members will receive a Smedley Award ribbon, a one-time 10% discount from your Toastmasters International (TI) store order, and a TI gift certificate. Amount TBD.
Wishing you all the best in the upcoming Toastmasters year!
Clubs that gain five new, dual, or reinstated members between May 1, 2023, and June 30, 2023, will receive a Beat the Clock award ribbon, a one-time 10% discount from your Toastmasters International store order, and a Toastmasters International gift certificate. Amount TBD. The members must pay for at least 6 months. Offered to the first 50 clubs.
Check out the District 56 | 2023 Annual Election Edition
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Find out about our latest District 56 club news and events.
Find out about our members, their experiences, and how they have benefited from Toastmasters.
In District 56, special annual awards are presented to Toastmasters in various roles for their contributions throughout the year.