Our meetings are structured and organized with room for creativity and fun. We are a supportive group and I have felt so encouraged and motivated from learning through Toastmasters. We start the meeting with prepared speeches, then move to impromptu speeches, and finish with evaluations. As a guest you may participate as much or as little as you wish.

Woodforest Toastmasters is a closed club, only open to Woodforest employees.
We meet online every other Thursday from 12pm – 1pm.

Every Monday Evening (except holidays)
TIME: Meeting – 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm
Please arrive in person by 6:15 pm
for informal “meet and greet”.
Guests are always welcome!
WHERE: Juergen’s Hall (Regular Venue)
26026 Hempstead Road, Cypress, Texas 77429
For more club information or questions please call our club line or email us! [email protected]
Gain the Confidence You Need to Speak Up…
…at a job interview.
…in front of an audience.
…at any other life event.