According to Lark Doley, 2018-2019 Past International President, Mercedes Balli, DTM, was the matriarch of District 55 when Lark first joined Toastmasters in 1990. Mercedes was a leader in District 56. She was known for her care of everything Toastmasters. She helped to charter 45 new Toastmasters clubs, and she coached struggling clubs. She responded to telephone calls from Austin and surrounding cities, requesting information about Toastmasters, all of this before the days of the Internet and mobile phones. Mercedes mentored District 55 leaders before District 55 split from District 56 in 1997. If you ever had a question about Toastmasters, Mercedes was your source for the answer. Mercedes was elected District 55 Director (Governor then) for the 2000-01 year. Unfortunately, she had to leave District 55 and resigned from her position early in her year. She later became District 49 Director in Hawaii, her home state. She was awarded the Presidential Citation for saving District 49 from dissolving. Mercedes has shared her time and talents with District 56, District 55, and District 49. Mercedes has left her legacy of care wherever she resides, with every Toastmasters club she joins, with every Toastmasters District she touches. When she joins a Toastmasters club, she gives it her all. We all have been blessed by her Golden dedication to our organization throughout her decades in Toastmasters. Lark has personally been blessed by her kindness, her care, and her love.