Keith Romaine, DTM, Featured on USA Global TV
Keith Romaine, DTM, District 56 Speech Contest Training Co-Chair, participated in an online discussion about Toastmasters with USA Global TV. Check out his insights on YouTube
Meet Mercedes (Mercy) Balli
According to Lark Doley, 2018-2019 Past International President, Mercedes Balli, DTM, was the matriarch of District 55 when Lark first joined Toastmasters in 1990. Mercedes was a leader in District 56. She was known for her care of everything Toastmasters. She helped to charter 45 new Toastmasters clubs, and […]
Terrie Green, DTM-President Biden’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient

On, July 7, 2023, Terrie Green, DTM, member of Determined to Master Speaking and Dining Out Toastmasters will be the recipient of the President Biden Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her service to the community. The correspondence, dated April 17, 2023, states… “I congratulate you on taking it upon yourself […]
Congratulations, Elly Hard!

Elly was awarded with the annual SERVANT LEADER APRON AWARD… “For service, excellence, commitment to others, serving as a mentor to her fellow members and for motivating others to give their best while demonstrating the values of the Dining Out Toastmasters Club” SERVANT LEADER APRON AWARD.