december, 2023

fri08dec7:00 pm8:30 pmFeaturedVirtual EventSpecial Pathways Q&A and Demo Training for December 15 Pathways Reconciliation DeadlineRegister Now. Deadline to reconcile is December 15, 20237:00 pm - 8:30 pm Event Organized By: Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Program Quality Director

Event Details

Greetings, Members and Base Camp Managers,

We hope you are doing well.


Toastmasters International (TI) is preparing to transfer members’ education achievements to the new Learning Management System (LMS). You may have received a recent email asking Base Camp Managers to ensure that each member’s Base Camp entries match the Education Awards in Club Central. 

If they don’t match, Base Camp Managers and the club members must make the appropriate corrections by December 15, 2023 (in 9 days).  

Here’s the overview: 

A. If a member has more Levels completed in Base Camp than those in Club Central, Base Camp Managers must submit their missing Education Awards.

B. If a member has more Education Awards showing in Club Central than Levels completed in Base Camp, and we know that the member gave the speeches in the meeting through our observations and speech tracking methods, spreadsheets, etc., we are to ask the member to: 

  1. Submit the Assess Your Skills After questionnaire for every project completed/speech given. Some projects may require multiple speeches, but only 1 Assess Your Skills After questionnaire.
  2. Mark every level that they completed as “complete.” 

IMPORTANT: If item B is not done, TI’s computer system may remove the Education Award from the member’s records and the Distinguished Club reports for the Club, Area, Division, and District immediately on December 16, 2023, or after.

C. There is no action to take if the Education award was submitted due to an error or the member did not give the required speeches.


The TI computer system may remove the Education Award from the member’s records, and the Distinguished Club reports for the Club, Area, Division, and District immediately on December 16, 2023, or after.

To help you complete this task, we have attached the steps enabling you to see where each member is on their Path in Base Camp, the member’s Education awards in Club Central, and the necessary actions to match the records per TI.

In addition, District 56 is offering training to help you.

  • During the regular weekly Pathways Training on Thursday, December 7, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The current title of this training is “Pathways Training for Members Who Joined Toastmasters Before May 2023. Enroll, Refresh, and Learn More.” The training will be enhanced to help you.  
  • We added two special sessions this Friday, December 8, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • and Monday, December 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Please call, text, or email Pamela Williams, DTM, Program Quality Pathways Chair, if you have any questions at [email protected]

We appreciate our members and club officers for serving as Base Camp Managers and are here for you.  



Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


(Friday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Program Quality DirectorHonored to serve as your Program Quality Director (PQD)! The Program Quality Team will leave no Toastmaster behind. For example, we have planned new member orientations, club officer information sessions for aspiring club leaders to help all clubs have 7 club officers at all times, Pathways training and enrollment for Toastmasters who are not enrolled, speech contest and functionary training well before the season begins to help all clubs plan, prepare and lead a successful and fun club contest, and form a full pipeline of trained speech contest functionaries. The Program Quality Team will include all Toastmasters in recognitions earned; no Toastmaster will be left behind. As the PQD, I am responsible for all aspects of education and training within the District. This includes supporting quality club programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished Club Program, and planning and executing the District conference. Education Goals: I promote all members in achieving education awards and recognizing those achievements. I oversee and promote training for club, area, and division officers. Training Programs: I plan, organize, and direct the district's training programs. District Conference: I am responsible for all aspects of the district conference. I plan, organize and direct the event. Speech Contests: I coordinate and supervise the International Speech Contest at the district level and facilitate a smooth flow of information at speech contests. This is the year to elevate a strong foundation of quality clubs! The PQD Team will help every club meet its educational goals and become a Distinguished quality club. Ready for some FUN? Register now on the District calendar for our fun and exciting events and training in the 2023-2024 year.

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