august, 2023

This is a repeating event

thu31aug7:00 pm8:30 pmVirtual EventPATHWAYS TRAINING: Everything You Need To Know About Pathways From Start To FinishThe objective is to help club members, club officers and district leaders who are learning and/or teaching Pathways receive in depth, hands-on, customized Pathways training.7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Event Organized By: Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Program Quality Director Event TagsClub Officer Pathways Training,Member Support,Pathways,Program Quality

Event Details

The objective is to help club members, club officers, and District leaders who are learning and teaching Pathways, receive in depth, hands-on, customized, Pathways training.

Participants will also be able to enroll in Pathways, if they haven’t enrolled prior to the training.

Click Here to Register Now!


Pathways Training will be via ZOOMREGISTER NOW

Other dates for any member not enrolled in Pathways or who would like a refresher may be found at the bottom of this page or go to to see dates and times available for registration through June 2024.

Click Here to Register Now for Pathways Training!

Are you a new member? Register for our New Member Orientation. Session dates open for registration through June 2024 on calendar now.


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


(Thursday) 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Program Quality DirectorHonored to serve as your Program Quality Director (PQD)! The Program Quality Team will leave no Toastmaster behind. For example, we have planned new member orientations, club officer information sessions for aspiring club leaders to help all clubs have 7 club officers at all times, Pathways training and enrollment for Toastmasters who are not enrolled, speech contest and functionary training well before the season begins to help all clubs plan, prepare and lead a successful and fun club contest, and form a full pipeline of trained speech contest functionaries. The Program Quality Team will include all Toastmasters in recognitions earned; no Toastmaster will be left behind. As the PQD, I am responsible for all aspects of education and training within the District. This includes supporting quality club programming efforts, promoting the Distinguished Club Program, and planning and executing the District conference. Education Goals: I promote all members in achieving education awards and recognizing those achievements. I oversee and promote training for club, area, and division officers. Training Programs: I plan, organize, and direct the district's training programs. District Conference: I am responsible for all aspects of the district conference. I plan, organize and direct the event. Speech Contests: I coordinate and supervise the International Speech Contest at the district level and facilitate a smooth flow of information at speech contests. This is the year to elevate a strong foundation of quality clubs! The PQD Team will help every club meet its educational goals and become a Distinguished quality club. Ready for some FUN? Register now on the District calendar for our fun and exciting events and training in the 2023-2024 year.

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