october, 2022

sat22oct11:00 am12:00 pmFeaturedVirtual EventOnline Leadership Elective (OLE) | How to be an Extraordinary Base Camp Manager11:00 am - 12:00 pm Event Organized By: Sharla Ozen, DTM, PQD Event Tags#Base Camp Manager,#Club Leadership,#Club Officer,#Club Presidents,#Club Secretary,#DCP,#Development,#VPPR,OLE,Online Leadership Electives,Pathways,VPE

Event Details

District 56 | 2022-2023 Online Leadership Elective (OLE) | How to be an Extraordinary Base Camp Manager

Session Lead by: Rhonda Green, DTM, PDD

Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcumsqTgrG9OoUMFT2_8a5szBE1KUmvO3

Need to know the ins and outs of being a Base Camp Manager? Do you need help in training new members in Pathways? Would you like to find out your members’ pathways status – Exactly what is needed to complete a Pathways Level? Learn the ABC;s of being a Base Camp Manager in this fun educational sesion. There will be plenty of time for your questions. Base Camp Manager tools will be provided to all who attend.

11 am – 12 pm | Online Leadership Elective (OLE) Sessions

Past District Director, Distinguished Toastmaster Rhonda Green has been involved in Toastmasters for 16 years. Not only has she presented hundreds of speeches, she has been facilitating Toastmasters training since 2007. She has completed 6 Legacy DTM awards, 2 Pathways DTM awards and is working on a year of District leader Service as the District 8 (Missouri/Illinois) Division F Director, for her 3rd Pathways DTM.

Rhonda has completed 16 Pathways paths. She repeated a few of the Paths twice. She has always served as a Base Camp Manager in one of her clubs since 2018, when pathways was first introduced.

Log on with your computer and be ready to engage and participate in the “How to become an Extraordinary Base Camp Manager” session.

Zoom Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvcumsqTgrG9OoUMFT2_8a5szBE1KUmvO3


Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


(Saturday) 11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Sharla Ozen, DTM, PQDProgram Quality Director[email protected]

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