When I started in Toastmasters it was because I was giving a presentation at MD Anderson as a Project Manager. The room had over a hundred people in it, filled with doctors and scientists. I was a little intimidated but pushed through until I had shared all the information I was supposed to. After the meeting a slip of paper was handed to me with a handwritten note that said…
27 uhs in five minutes, PLEASE (underlined 3 times) find a Toastmasters group.
As you can imagine I was shocked, hurt, and angry. All my feelings were raw to say the least. I went to my company mentor and with indignation demanded he look at what they did to me!!!!! Bob, looked from the note to me and back to the note and thoughtfully asked, “What is Toastmasters?”
He joined Post Oak Toastmasters with me June 10th, 2010, and the journey began…
I have since held many roles in our Club, Area, Division and District. The path this person sent me on has changed my life and I will be forever grateful for the day; I was told PLEASE find a Toastmasters group.