december, 2023

sábado02Diciembre08 a.m10:15 amDestacadoEvento virtualRound 2 Club Officer Training (COT) #2 of 7For Incoming and Aspiring Club Leaders8:00 am - 10:15 am Evento organizado por: Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Directora del Programa de Calidad El evento etiqueta aCapacitación para Oficiales de Club, COTCUNA,Education,Effectively Demonstrate the Value of Your Club,Program Quality,training

Detalles del evento

¡Bienvenidos funcionarios de club y aspirantes a líderes de club!

¿Sabía que un dirigente de club capacitado puede resultar en socios más satisfechos, reuniones de club emocionantes y nuevos socios?

El EQUIPO del Programa de Calidad se complace en brindar a los líderes entrantes y a los aspirantes una capacitación conveniente y de calidad que brinde valor a los socios.

  • ¡Abierto para todos los miembros!
  • 100% Online
  • Join us and learn leadership skills and more…

Regístrate aquí o escanea el código QR AQUÍ

Club officers and aspiring club leaders, before joining us for training, we are giving you the tools to begin the year with confidence and competence! The following items should be reviewed before attending Club Officer Training.


8:00 AM 8:05 AM Main Room Check-In
8:10 AM 9:10 AM Main Room Effectively Demonstrate the Value of Your Club
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room Club President Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room VPE Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room VPM Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room VPPR Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room Treasurer Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room Secretary Training
9:10 AM 10:10 AM Breakout Room SAA Training
10:10 AM 10:15 AM Main Room Survey and Checkout for Credit
Note: In order for Club Officers to earn credit for their DCP goal or DTM award, log in no later than 8:05 AM, and log out no earlier than 10:15 AM

Thank you for registering. We are looking forward to seeing you. -The Program Quality TEAM!

Link for Round 2 COT Flyer


Detalles del evento virtual

¡El evento ya ha tenido lugar!


(Saturday) 8:00 am - 10:15 am


Elizabeth Ruiz, DTM, 2023-2024 Directora del Programa de CalidadEs un honor servir como su Directora del Programa de Calidad (PQD)! El Equipo del Programa de Calidad no dejará atrás a ningún Toastmaster. Por ejemplo, hemos planeado orientaciones para los nuevos socios, sesiones informativas para los aspirantes a líderes de club para ayudar a que todos los clubes tengan los 7 funcionarios del club en todo momento, capacitación de Pathways e inscripción para los Toastmasters que no están inscritos, concurso de oratoria y capacitación para los funcionarios mucho antes que la temporada comience para ayudar a todos los clubes a planificar, preparar y dirigir un concurso exitoso y divertido a nivel de club, y a formar una línea completa de funcionarios capacitados para concursos de oratoria. El Equipo del Programa de Calidad incluirá a todos los Toastmasters en los reconocimientos ganados; ningún Toastmaster se quedará atrás. Como PQD, soy responsable de todos los aspectos de la educación y la capacitación dentro del Distrito. Esto incluye el apoyo a los esfuerzos de programación de los clubes de calidad, la promoción del Programa de los Clubes Distinguidos y la planificación y ejecución de la Conferencia de Distrito. Objetivos de educación: promuevo que todos los miembros alcancen premios de educación y que esos logros sean reconocidos. Superviso y promuevo la capacitación de los dirigentes de los clubes, áreas y divisiones. Programas de Capacitación: Planifico, organizo y dirijo los programas de capacitación del Distrito. Conferencia de Distrito: Soy responsable de todos los aspectos de la conferencia de distrito. Planifico, organizo y dirijo el evento. Concursos de Oratoria: Coordino y superviso el Concurso Internacional de Oratoria a nivel de Distrito y facilito un flujo claro de información en los concursos de oratoria. ¡Este es el año para elevar una base sólida de los clubes de calidad! El Equipo PQD ayudará a cada club a alcanzar sus metas educativas y convertirse en un Club de Calidad Distinguida. ¿Listo para un poco de DIVERSIÓN? Regístrate ahora en el calendario del Distrito para nuestros divertidos y emocionantes eventos y capacitaciones en el año 2023-2024.

Ponentes para este evento

  • Basma Al Kakoun, DTM, COT Team

    Basma Al Kakoun, DTM, COT Team

    VPM Trainer

    Basma Al Kakoun, DTM, discovered her passion for public speaking by joining Toastmasters. She delivered over 100 speeches, participated and won in several speaking contests, and has successfully led various projects, mentored individuals and Clubs, and achieved her Distinguished Toastmasters Award in 2022.

    VPM Trainer

  • Fatimar Jones, DTM

    Fatimar Jones, DTM

    2023 District Fall Education Summit Co-Chair

    Fatimar Jones is a Distinguished Toastmaster, Division P Director for the 2022-2023 term, and Chairperson of the 2023 District 56 Speech Contests. She is honored to serve as the District 56 Program Quality Training Chair. Fatimar's commitment to Toastmasters is further evident through her active membership in six clubs, where she has held all club officer roles. Fatimar worked in the oil and gas industry for 40 years and retired as a project advisor in 2020. Her expertise in this field shaped her leadership style and ability to inspire others. Family holds a special place in Fatimar's life. She is happily married to Adrian Jones and is the proud mother of four adult sons. With seven grandchildren, she cherishes the joys of family life and the opportunity to pass on her wisdom and values to the next generation. Fatimar indulges in her love for reading in her spare time and stays active in her community through volunteering. Her commitment to personal growth and making a positive impact on society is truly commendable. Please join me in welcoming Fatimar Jones, an individual who embodies the spirit of leadership, communication, and service.

    2023 District Fall Education Summit Co-Chair

  • Harold Eaton, DTM, Club Officer Training Team

    Harold Eaton, DTM, Club Officer Training Team

    Treasurer Trainer

    Harold joined Toastmasters for the first time in 1982 with Nooners Toastmasters in Greenway Plaza. After 32 years busy with work and family, he came back to Toastmasters with Houston Galleria Project Management Toastmasters in 2014 and has also joined Health Wealth and Happiness Toastmasters. Harold is an engineer who moved to IT in the mid-'80s when personal computers were introduced. Harold says he has repeatedly found the benefits of connections with others based on communication.

    Treasurer Trainer

  • Jennifer Nelson, DTM, Division O Director and PQD Team

    Jennifer Nelson, DTM, Division O Director and PQD Team

    Tech/Zoom Lead

    Jennifer Nelson, DTM, Division O Director, is honored and excited to serve on the COT Training Team! In District 56, Jennifer has held all club officer roles with lessons learned from every experience!  It is essential in every role to have direction, know the responsibilities, and see how each person is supported! Let's have FUN as we Learn and Grow with each other!  Let’s have the BEST year ever!

    Tech/Zoom Lead

  • Joshua Saenz, COT Team

    Joshua Saenz, COT Team

    SAA Trainer

    Joshua Saenz joined the ChampionX Toastmasters club in 2018 (formerly called Nalco Champion Toastmasters) and is still going strong. He's served as a Sergeant At Arms, Club President twice, and Vice President of Education. Currently the Sergeant At Arms-elect for the incoming club year and looking forward to it. Being a member of Toastmasters has allowed Joshua to come out of his shell as a public speaker and leader and network with other great professionals within his company and the Houston area.  He is happy to say that he has completed the Dynamic Leadership pathway and is close to finishing the Effective Coaching pathway. Joshua also serves as a Club Coach. He is thrilled to be a part of the Club Officer Training team.

    SAA Trainer

  • Louis Cioletti, DTM, COT Team

    Louis Cioletti, DTM, COT Team

    VPPR Trainer

    Lou joined Toastmasters in 1999, served as P3 Area Director during 2005, and achieved his DTM in June 2006.   He was a member of several clubs before becoming a charter member of Spaced-out Toastmasters (SpOT). He serves as its VP-Education.

    VPPR Trainer

  • Mark Vine, COT Team

    Mark Vine, COT Team

    VPE Trainer

    I joined Deerwood Toastmasters in 2021 and I have not looked back since. During my short time with the club, I have served as SSA, VPE and I am now the President elect for this coming year for which I very excited. I cannot believe the progress in have made during this time, Toastmasters has provided me with a safe space not only in terms of structuring and making speeches, but also improved my listening and feedback skills; all of which are very important to becoming an effective leader and communicator. TM has also been a fantastic opportunity to broaden my network outside of my usual circle of personal/professional friends/colleagues and make a bunch of new ‘mates’ through the club and getting involved with other district activities - everyone's super friendly and welcoming!

    VPE Trainer

  • Pamela Williams, DTM, Current Member Pathways Chair, and COT Team

    Pamela Williams, DTM, Current Member Pathways Chair, and COT Team

    Secretary Training

    Distinguished Toastmaster, Pamela Williams, has enjoyed every learning, teaching and mentoring experience that she has had as a Toastmaster for 16 years. She has a been a proud member of the Presidents Distinguished Club - Clear Lake Communicators for the entire time. Pamela is currently the VP Education and has served in every officer role in the club. She loves sharing what she has learned with others. As a Pathways Guide, she assisted several clubs with initially learning the Pathways program. She has earned 2 DTMs (one in the Legacy Program and one in Pathways). Pamela has also served the District as a Distinguished Division Governor once & a Distinguished Area Governor twice. Her business experience includes being an Accountant, a Corporate Training Consultant & a Self-Development Coach. The skills and knowledge that she has gained along the way enable her to make her courses fun and informative. She looks forward to sharing and learning with the participants.

    Secretary Training

  • PQD Team

    PQD Team

    Effectively Demonstrate the Value of Your Club

    Effectively Demonstrate the Value of Your Club

  • Steve Jones, DTM, COT Team

    Steve Jones, DTM, COT Team

    Club President Trainer

    Steve Jones, DTM, is a Dining Out Toastmasters (DOT) member and has served as a DOT officer since 2016. He recently completed a term of service to District 56 as Division N Director (2019-20) and previously as Area Director in Division Q (2015-16). He joined Dining Out Toastmasters 2015 to enjoy the Advanced Club experience in the Premier Leadership Club in Southeast Texas... let's say "The World"! Steve is a certified executive coach (ICF) and has worked at UTHealth since 1993 and is currently serving the university as a Sr. Program Manager in the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging.

    Club President Trainer


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